Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Fishtail Palm

I am wondering if you can help me identify a plant I bought. I bought it from Costco and it is somewhat like a plam, but it is not nearly as bushy and the leaves are different. As they open up they look more and more like they have been torn. The leaf, in total, is maybe 4-5 inches in diameter at the widest point, about 3/4 out the leaf. It is as if it has been cut into 3 sections, which seem to sit next to each other, yet they are cut, and the end of each section is a different length and appears to have been torn across the top of each section. The plant I have is a good six feet tall and has around 6 thicker main stems with lots more coming up. It is more of a taller nature than hanging out to the side. I am trying to find out it's name and light and watering requirements and would appreciate any help you could give me. Thanks.
Fishtail Palm - Caryota mitis

Is your plant a Fishtail Palm (Caryota mitis - or a different species of Caryota)? If it is, it requires bright, indirect light such as a curtain-filtered south window, or (at least 400 foot candles of artificial light).

The soil must be kept thoroughly moist, but never soggy wet or the stems could rot. Never let the pot sit in the drainage water. Water the plant as soon as the surface of the soil approaches dryness.

Give the plant nightime temperatures of 65 to 70 °F and daytime temperatures between 75 to 85°F.

Fertilize the plant with a balanced plant food (20-20-20 - for example) once a month durinjg the growing season (spring to fall). Never fertilize a plant while it is in the dormant period.

Repot the plant in spring if necessary (they prefer to be on the crowded side) in a one size larger pot. A good soil mix consists of 1 part loam, 1 part peat moss or leaf mold, and one part perlite. Add 2 tablespoons of bone meal to 1 gallon of the above mix for good root development. Most commercially packaged potting soils will also be fine.

Young plants can be propagated at any time of the year from the young suckers which develop at the base of the plant. Seeds can also be purchased to propagate new plants.

Keeping the air moist where the plant is located will help prevent spider mite infestations.